Our Ministries
Since the Church belongs to Christ, we believe that any activity or ministry should be an extension of His will and contribute to focusing our attention on Him so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.

Nursing Home Ministry
On Sundays and Wednesdays each week we hold a service for residents of two local nursing homes to minister to the elderly who are unable to attend a church. Please contact us for more information if you would like to be a part of this ministry!

Sunday School
Our Sunday School program is Bible-oriented and promotes spiritual growth and lasting fellowship among class members. Our goal is to provide practical, personalized applications from the Word of God.
We offer classes for the following groups:
Babies - 3 Years
Young Girls and Boys
Upper Elementary Girls and Boys
Teen Girls and Boys

Our church supports three missionaries:
Alberto Fabian, Missionary to Peru
Jim Sloan, Missionary to the Deaf,
International Board of Jewish Missions